{% extends "pages/abstract/dashboard.html.twig" %} {% block stylesheets_page %} {{ assets.css('css/form-widgets') | raw }} {% endblock %} {# Overrides blocks in head of base template #} {% block page_title %}{{ translate("USER", 2)}} | {{user.full_name}}{% endblock %} {% block page_description %}{{ translate("USER.INFO_PAGE", {name: user.user_name}) }}{% endblock %} {% block body_matter %} {% block group_box %} {% endblock %}
{% block user_box %}


{% if 'tools' not in tools.hidden %}
{% endif %}


{% if user.flag_enabled == 0 %} {% endif %} {% if user.flag_verified == 0 %} {% endif %}

{{user.user_name}}{% if 'group' not in fields.hidden and user.group.name is not null %} • {{user.group.name}}{% endif %}

{% if 'email' not in fields.hidden %}


{% endif %} {% if 'locale' not in fields.hidden %}


{% endif %} {% block user_profile %}{% endblock %} {% if 'roles' not in fields.hidden %}
{{translate("ROLE", 2)}}

{% for role in user.roles %} {{role.name}} {% endfor %}

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if 'activities' not in widgets.hidden %}
{% block activity_box %}

{{translate('ACTIVITY', 2)}}

{% include "tables/table-tool-menu.html.twig" %}
{% include "tables/activities.html.twig" with { "table" : { "id" : "table-user-activities" } } %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'permissions' not in widgets.hidden %}

{{translate('PERMISSION', 2)}}

{% include "tables/table-tool-menu.html.twig" %}
{% include "tables/permissions.html.twig" with { "table" : { "id" : "table-permissions", "columns" : ["via_roles"] } } %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts_page %} {{ assets.js('js/form-widgets') | raw }} {{ assets.js('js/pages/user') | raw }} {% endblock %}